Happy New Year! Hatsumode in Harajuku: Experience Japanese New Year the Traditional Way

04.January.2016 | FEATURES / SPOT


Here’s a guide that teaches you the ins and out of visiting Harajuku’s Meiji Jingu Shrine!



If you’re in Japan, you’re bound to hear the word “Hatsumode” being tossed here and there as the year draws to an end. Wondering what this is all about? “Hatsumode” commonly refers to praying for a year of health and prosperity at the shrine/temple. Not only is it about the praying — there are other activities that come with it, which comprises picking out an “omikuji,” a slip of paper with your fortune of the year spelled out for you that you choose at random (you can typically draw an “omikuji” throughout the year as well); some may also write their wishes on small wooden plaques called “ema.”

Typically, this is how a Japanese New Year starts off.


But a visit to the shrine? What are the rules?

The whole tradition may be a bit of a mystery to those who aren’t accustomed to the Japanese New Year’s. But don’t worry, Harajuku MOSHI MOSHI BOX’s Babukabon has got your back. Read on to perfectly equip yourself with some knowledge on a traditional Japanese New Year.




The shrine we made a visit to is the one closest to Harajuku station, Meiji Jingu. A total of roughly 10 million people visit this shrine throughout the year, making it Japan’s most visited shrine.

The first three days of the year, a time when shrines throughout Japan clock in with a massive number of visits, the number of Meiji Jingu go-ers round up to roughly 3 million.

So sit back and enjoy the beautiful landscape of the shrine while Babukabon teaches you how to begin and end your shrine visit.





Before you enter the shrine by passing under the “torii,” bow once. (Take off your hat while you’re at it!) The large gate at the entrance or the “torii” is what separates the world from the sacred world. Demonstrate your respect before entering by bowing once here.


Question: When you are walking down the sando (or the road that leads to the Shrine), is there a particular side you should walk on?

Answer: Anywhere besides the center, and you’re good!


Walking down the center of the “sando” is usually a no. The center is referred to as the “seichu” and this path is specifically reserved for the Shinto Gods. Don’t mess with the path of the Gods and keep to the side!


Note that Meiji Jingu is a large shrine, so it takes a while to get to the actual shrine. However, it’s important to be patient and keep your calm while you make your way over. This won’t be particularly difficult when you’re amidst the nature with the giant trees towering over you and the pebble stones underneath your feet. With that said, it’s hard to believe that this shrine also happens to be located in Harajuku, a place we know best as a treasure trove of Japan’s pop culture.




After walking for a while, we spotted a huge tree called the momiki. Apparently this momiki is the origin of “Yoyogi,” what we now know to be the station after Harajuku on the Yamanote line.


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What will also appear affront your eyes are barrels of sake offered to the gods – one for the pictures! Apparently the Meiji emperor was a big fan of wine, which explains the wine barrels that you’ll also see lurking in the huge crowd of barrels.




A famous power spot, “Kiyomasano Ido (Kiyomasa’s well)” is located smack in the middle of the walk down the “sando,” so we decided to stop by. Kiyomasa Kato was a warlord, also known to be the “god of soil and trees” and it’s been said his well is supposed to bring luck.


When you reach the main shrine, you’ll find a place to wash your hands, also known as the “chozuya.” Wash your hands here.




  • How to Temizu
  1. 1. Hold the ladle with your right hand, rinse your left.
  2. 2. Hold the ladle with your left hand, rinse your right.
  3. 3. Hold the ladle again with your right hand, pour some water in your left and rinse your mouth.
  4. 4. Place the ladle upwards so it cleanses the part you were holding.

(※ Best to do this with one scoop of water)


And now onto the praying.





  • How to pray
  1. Throw some coins in the “osaisenbako” (offertory box). Note that you can choose how much you put in the box. Typically, the Japanese will put in a 5-yen coin since 5-yen or “go-en”, when read in Japanese, can also mean “luck.”
  2. 2. Bow twice.
  3. 3. Clap twice.
  4. 4. Keep the palm of your hands together and make a wish.
  5. Bow once.


The point is to bow twice, clap twice, and bow one at the very end. In Japanese, we say “Nirei Nihaku Ichirei.”





Looks like Babukabon made a wish too! What did you wish for?


“A boyfriend!”





Here, you can purchase “omamori” (a good luck charm), “ofuda” (a talisman), and “ema” (a small wooden plaque where you can write out your wishes.

If you look closely, each “omamori” serves a different purpose: it can keep the “house safe,” or keep you safe from “road danger,” or it could “bring luck, and keep the devil away.”


Choose wisely!


This “hatsumode” guide will come to good use for you spending New Year’s in Japan! Let’s make it a great kick-start to 2016!



  • A little something to wrap up:




Ta-dah! Here’s my “goshuin,” or insignia stamp. This is a stamp you can purchase at the shrine/temple you visit. The design varies by each temple/shrine, so have fun with it, collect a couple for your very own goshuin collection!



Meiji Jingu Shrine

1-1 Kamizonocho, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

※ Check their website for their hours



Model: Babukabon


Her favorite snack is Ikaten Setonai Lemon Flavor (a toasted snack that tastes like squid)

Her goal of 2016 is to take it easy.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bbkpp_bn

Twitter: @bbkpp_bn

Photos: Yuta Mukaiyama Words: MoMo (SHUTTER)


  • Get your hands on all the squishies you need in the squishy holy land Harajuku

    01.September.2017 | SPOT

    Hi, I’m Shiota, the director of the MOSHI MOSHI BOX Harajuku Tourist Information Center.


    One of the biggest questions that has been raised since spring this year by people who stop by the MOSHI MOSHI BOX is about “squishy” toys. This boom has lit a fire over on YouTube and is hugely popular among young teenage girls.


    Squishies comes in all shapes and sizes, but the big hits both in Japan and overseas are the food squishies. Known as “squeeze” in Japan, they got their name from fans for how nice they feel and satisfying they are to squeeze.


    In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the shops in the squishy holy land that is Harajuku where you can get you hands on some!


    “Nihon Squeeze Center” – A super famous shop that everybody knows about

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    To reach this place you need to pass through Takeshita Street located opposite the Takeshita Exit of Harajuku Station accessible via the JR Yamanote Line. Make a left at Murasaki Sports along Meiji Dori and you will see a shoe shop by the name of Kickers on your left. the Nihon Squeeze Center is located on the second floor of the building.


    The shop was originally called “Harajuku Accessory Market” and was a popular shop on Takeshita Street that sold miscellaneous items. However, it relocated and rebranded as a shop specialising in squishies.

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    One of the store’s most popular products are the squishies made in collaboration with Tokyo Bakery. You can’t buy these at any other shop.


    Newer squishies have a smell to them, but the squishes at this shop don’t have that factory smell – they have the scent of the real thing! The quality is too good, I just can’t contain myself.

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    You have to book online to enter the shop on Saturdays, Mondays, national holidays, spring, summer and winter holidays, and any other days where the shop is expected to be overcrowded. Be sure to check the store’s homepage before heading to see if you need to book or not.



    Nihon Squeeze Center

    Address: Harajuku MY Bldg. 2F, 3-24-2 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

    Access: 10-minutes’ walk from Harajuku Station via the JR line / 5-minutes’ walk from Meiji Jingumae Station via the Tokyo Metro Line

    Hours: 10:30-17:30

    Closed: Irregular holidays *closures will be announced via the store’s official homepage and Twitter

    Homepage: https://r.goope.jp/sukusen


    “MOOOSH” – Enjoy squeezing all the squishies to your heart’s content in a spacious store

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    As you come out of the 4th exit of Meiji Jingumae Station via the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line you will see a ramen shop by the name of “Ichiran” (一蘭) on your left. MOOOSH is on the third floor of the same building. The entrance looks like the entrance to an office building.

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    MOOOSH is a place where you can buy every squishy sold by the famous squishy brand “BLOOM.” It’s a very spacious shop and even has an all-you-can-squeeze squishy area.

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    Their range of customers has been on the increase recently, with people coming from Japan and even overseas to visit. There’s also an online shop for people who aren’t able to stop by, so be sure to check that out too.




    Address: 6-5-6-304 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

    Access: 5-minutes’ walk from Harajuku Station via the JR Line / 1-minute walk from Meiji Jingumae Station via the Tokyo Metro Line

    Hours: 10:00-17:00

    Telephone: 090-4705-8080

    Closed: Irregular holidays

    Online Shop: https://mooosh-squishy.stores.jp/



    “Picnic” – Get distracted by a range of affordable squshies

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    To find this shop, take the Takeshita Street Exit of Harajuku Station coming from the JR Line and enter Takeshita Street. Take the first left and you will find an arcade. Here you will find “Picnic.”


    Picnic is a talk-of-the-town store that has even featured on TV. They stock a wide range of affordable squishes – something we can all be happy about.



    Harajuku Picnic

    Address: Harajuku Le Ponte 1F, 1-17-114-2 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

    Access: 1-minute walk from Harajuku Station via the JR Line

    Hours: 10:15-21:45

    Telephone: 03-3746-1269

    Closed: Irregular Holidays


    “FANCY POCKET Harajuku” – Right near Harajuku Station

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    Head straight down Takeshita Street from the Takeshita Street Exit of Harajuku Station via the JR Line. Make a left turn at the corner of the cream puff store “Beard Papa’s” and take the white staircase in view on your right. The first floor is a clothes shop called “CONOMI.”


    The store is affiliated with “Sun Houseki,” a shop selling bargain-priced miscellaneous goods. It’s highlight are the super cute squishy designs you can get your hands on – and best of all it’s easy on your wallet.



    FANCY POCKET Harajuku

    Address: Minowa Bldg. 2F, 1-19-2 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

    Access: 5-minutes’ walk from Harajuku Station via the JR Line

    Hours: 10:00-19:00

    Telephone: 03-5414-1288

    Closed: Irregular Holidays



    So, what do you think of this squishy store collection? There’s a lot of shops to choose from all very close to each other, meaning you can run from shop to shop to find your favourite♪


    And if you get lost at any point during your Harajuku trek, then stop by the MOSHI MOSHI BOX where we’re happy to guide you on your way!


    ■MOSHI MOSHI BOX Harajuku Tourist Information Center

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    We are a tourist information center located at the crossing of Takeshita Street, Meiji Dori and Harajuku Dori. Our staff know all there is to know about Harajuku and can give you all the information you need from the latest and most recent news to more detailed information.

    Services Offered:
    ・Free wi-fi         ・Free water
    ・Free PC charging        ・Luggage storage
    ・Souvenirs         ・Money exchange

    Hours: 10:00-18:00
    Closed: New Year’s Holiday
    Telephone: 03-2225-6447
    Twitter・Instagram: @mmb_harajuku


    Writer: Nao Shiota (MOSHI MOSHI BOX)

  • 【Tokyo Stroll 】A power spot at the heart of Tokyo? Go to the Meiji Shrine and get “Goshuin”

    12.July.2017 | FEATURES / SPOT

    Meiji Shrine (Meiji Jingu) is just a short walk from Harajuku station. Those who visit the shrine at New Year boast that it is the best shrine in the whole of Japan. The shrine proudly holds its reputation as a famous tourist spot, originally built to honour the spirits of the Meiji Emperor and his wife Empress Dowager Shoken.

    Walking around the busy city, you really would not expect to suddenly encounter such a deep forest that contains a majestic shrine. The location also offers a famous well that is the perfect power spot, and many cafés that will make your heart glow with warmth. Join Elly-chan as she explores the wonderful city oasis of Meiji Shrine.


    Starting point: Café Morinoterasu (社のテラス)


    Just a one-minute walk from JR Harajuku station or Tokyo Metro Meiji Jingu-ma station lies the glorious Meiji Shrine. You can also easily access the shrine from Shibuya as it is just one stop away. Here, at the heart of the city, you’ve finally reached a calm oasis. It’s no surprise that it’s a popular tourist spot.

    Morinoterasu café is located before the large and mighty Meiji Shrine torii gate, which is the first gate that leads to the shrine. The café is united with nature and will sweep you away with peace and tranquility. This is the first stop for our adventure!


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    You can feel the warmth of the trees inside the café. The counters and chairs were made from old, withering trees on the shrine grounds. Japanese zelkova wood, evergreen oak, Japanese oak, camphorwood or wood from a sakura tree?

    Look out for the names of the types of trees used to make the furniture as they are discreetly carved into the wood.





    The menu includes Morinoterasu’s special limited éclairs and croissants that are prepared every day for the famous Meiji Kinenkan (Meiji Memorial Hall). These make for the perfect light snack.

    Before or after exploring the shrine, extend the exploration to your taste buds! How about treating yourself to a thirst-quenching cup of coffee or a soft drink, or the creative tofu milk gelato?


    The symbol of Meiji Shrine: The Otorii


    Enter the Harajuku entrance and you will be faced with the second shrine entrance – a large, wooden myojin-torii . (Large shrine gate) This is the symbol of Meiji Shrine.

    Being Japan’s largest shrine gate, there’s no wonder that the countless numbers of visitors taking commemoration photos here never die out. Japanese Cypress tree bark was used to make the torii shrine gate 1,500 years ago. Take a closer look and you’ll be blown away!




    Enter the Harajuku entrance and you will be faced with the second shrine entrance – a large, wooden myojin-torii . (Large shrine gate) This is the symbol of Meiji Shrine. Being Japan’s largest shrine gate, there’s no wonder that the countless numbers of visitors taking commemoration photos here never die out.

    Japanese Cypress tree bark was used to make the torii shrine gate 1,500 years ago. Take a closer look and you’ll be blown away!




    As soon as visitors arrive at the shrine, they are greeted with a poem created by the Meiji Emperor, which is posted for all to see. The true elegance of Japanese culture can be felt through the words. Usually, shrines have boxes of “omikuji”, from which visitors are invited to pull out a strip of paper. Each of these paper strips contains a unique fortune such as “kichi” which means “lucky”, or “daikichi” which is even luckier!

    These are followed by a commentary. However at Meiji Shrine, these are replaced by poems written by the Meiji Emperor and Empress Dowager Shoken in order to honour their spirits.


    >>next page  Go to the power spot

  • A “zoo” beside a Harajuku Denki Shokai ?! An ice cream store, “Dobutsuen” which use the motifs of animals was opened

    03.October.2017 | FOOD / SPOT

    “Dobutsuen” which sells cute animal-shaped ice cream under the theme of  “the smallest zoo of the world” was opened on the 23rd of September.

    Each item is 500 yen! Below are the items which are suitable to be uploaded on your SNS.


    Buta (strawberry) Buhtaro (5oo yen / tax included)


    Panda (cookie and cream) Runrun (5oo yen / tax included)


    Zou (soda) Umeko (5oo yen / tax included)


    Koara (Vanilla) Ocean Hiroko (5oo yen / tax included)


    Tora (blueberry cheese cake) Eijikun (5oo yen / tax included)

    3 Biki no Kobuta (random flavor) (1,000 yen / tax included)


    Why not try these cute animal-shaped ice creams after drinking Denkyu Soda.




    Address: 150-0001, B1F 3-20-10, Jingumae, Shibuyaku, Tokyo

    TEL: 03-6434-5074

    Business hours: 11:00 to 19:00




  • Harajuku-based Brand KAWAII MONSTER CAFE Opens a Traveling Shop, Halloween Pop-Up Shop Opens in Harajuku

    19.October.2023 | FASHION / FOOD / SPOT

    The Harajuku-based brand KAWAII MONSTER CAFE has announced a traveling store, KAWAII MONSTER SHOP. As the project’s first event, a Halloween pop-up shop named ‘KAWAII MONSTER SHOP – Colorful Halloween’ will open for 10 days starting October 19 in the birthplace of the brand, Harajuku.


    KAWAII MONSTER CAFE is an entertainment restaurant that embodies the vibe of Harajuku in Tokyo, a town that swallows fashion and culture from places around the world and reimagines them into unrestrained originality. Originally opened in 2015 and produced by artist Sebastian Masuda, the colorful and crazy space offered photogenic food and drinks, and guests were served by the iconic Monster Girls clad in future Harajuku fashion. It became a ‘new Tokyo landmark,’ attracting over 700,000 visitors from both Japan and abroad. Even after the restaurant closed in January 2021, its one-of-a-kind concept has lived on in pop-up shops, events, and collaborations with various brands and creators.


    The pop-up shop, open in Harajuku for a limited time starting October 19, offers food and drinks, merchandise, special experiences, and photo spots themed around the spooky Halloween season. Additionally, a collaboration with the popular Harajuku accessory store 6%DOKIDOKI will be held from October 19-22. Colorful hair accessories will be on sale, and shop girls with Monster Girls makeup experience will be giving seasonal makeovers to visitors.



    During the first half of the event, the pop-up shop will be serving food made in collaboration with the hot dog specialty restaurant HOTDOG CAFE STAND STATION TOKYO. The limited-edition menu includes the crazy Monster Dog, consisting of a monster holding a sausage in its mouth, and the monstrous Philly Cheesesteak, made with juicy tenderloin and tons of cheese.


    The second half of the event will feature the Colorful Pop Burger Blue Monster (Teriyaki Chicken) from KAWAII MONSTER CAFE’s popular menu, along with French Fries with Monster Dip served with five different colorful sauces. Visitors are welcome to get into the Halloween spirit by enjoying the Monster Float during the pop-up event.

    <10/19~10/22 Exclusive Menu>
    Monster Dog: ¥880 (Tax Included) *In collaboration with HOTDOG CAFE STAND STATION TOKYO
    Philly Cheesesteak: ¥1,350 (Tax Included) *In collaboration with HOTDOG CAFE STAND STATION TOKYO


    <10/26~10/31 Exclusive Menu>
    Colorful Pop Burger Blue Monster (Teriyaki Chicken): ¥1,200 (Tax Included)
    French Fries with Monster Dip: ¥700 (Tax Included)

    Monster Float: ¥800 [Rose/Passionfruit/Kyoho Grape]



    New KAWAII MONSTER CAFE goods will make their first appearance at this pop-up shop! Guests can visit the Sweets Factory to create their own candy assortment by filling their favorite containers with chocolates, gummies, and other goodies. Harajuku Icing Cookies will also be available in collaboration with SHONPY, a popular cake shop. Be sure to grab some incredible souvenirs!


    In addition, popular KAWAII MONSTER CAFE collaboration items from years past will be available, along with adorable plushies from the globally beloved brand Ty. Visitors can also snag some unique zipit pouches and flexible PLUS PLUS blocks starting October 26.



    During the event, KAWAII MONSTER CAFE’s iconic Monster Girls and the character Choppy will greet guests and take photos, as well as shoot cute Halloween-inspired videos together. Visitors wishing to be transformed into Monster Girls themselves can speak to the store girls, clad in Decora fashion and rocking accessories from 6%DOKIDOKI. These ladies will provide POP Harajuku Monster makeovers featuring original tattoo stickers and unique hair accessories to get you ready for Halloween.


    At the event, guests will find the 3-meter tall Sweets Cake Balloon inspired by the Sweets-Go-Round Cake, the symbol of KAWAII MONSTER CAFE. Surrounded by colorful decorations and captivating monsters, visitors are sure to leave with plenty of special memories.

    Guests of all ages are invited to spend the Halloween season surrounded by the unique wonders of Harajuku!

  • HARAJUKU COLLECTIVE, a Collaboration Between Hot Topic & Studio Ghibli, Gets Pop-Up Store at Shinsaibashi PARCO

    09.March.2023 | FASHION / SPOT

    Last year, the HARAJUKU COLLECTIVE collaboration appeared at AF Gallery in Harajuku from August 10 until August 28, garnering massive acclaim from fans. The collection is now being sold at Shinsaibashi PARCO until March 12, 2023.


    HARAJUKU COLLECTIVE is a Studio Ghibli-inspired apparel collection by the popular American counterculture chain Hot Topic. Bringing more Japanese culture to the ongoing Studio Ghibli collaboration launched in 2014, Hot Topic stores began selling original items produced by nine Japanese creators and brands, as well as some original American items produced by Hot Topic’s executive designers.


    The lineup of Japan-original items includes T-shirts, tote bags, and other items featuring exclusive artwork by up-and-coming creators. These items depict beloved characters from Studio Ghibli’s works, as well as logos created for the collaboration. Fans won’t want to miss grabbing these unique items!



    Details on the Previous HARAJUKU COLLECTIVE Pop-Up Store: https://www.moshimoshi-nippon.jp/ja/625747

  • FRUITS ZIPPER Valentine Pop-Up Shop to Open at Laforet Harajuku

    28.January.2023 | FASHION / SPOT

    Laforet Harajuku will host a pop-up shop inspired by the up-and-coming idol group FRUITS ZIPPER from February 1 until February 14! The FRUITS ZIPPER Valentine Pop-Up Shop will be found on the 5th floor MAKE THE STAGE area.


    FRUITS ZIPPER debuted in April 2022 and embodies a simple concept: “From Harajuku to the World.” The group’s second single Watashino Ichiban Kawaiitokoro exploded in popularity on TikTok, pulling in over 600 million views. In February, the girls will embark on their first solo concert tour in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. This is the first FRUITS ZIPPER-inspired limited-time shop, and during the event, visuals of the group’s members will be displayed in the show windows found on the first floor of Laforet Harajuku.


    ◆About the FRUITS ZIPPER Valentine Pop-Up Shop

    When entering the venue, fans will be greeted by a 5-meter-wide board where visitors can write and attach their messages to the FRUITS ZIPPER members on heart-shaped cards. Costumes that the members have worn on stage will also be on display, allowing fans to see each stitch up close.


    Exclusive items featuring new photos of the members will be on sale at the pop-up shop. Fans can enjoy seeing the girls in their own personal style, and these items will only be available during the event! Starting February 4, tour merch for the group’s upcoming solo concert series will also be available for purchase.

    ◆Collaboration with Fruit Sandwich Specialty Store ‘Fruits Box Daikanyama’

    Last year’s popular collaboration with Fruit Box Daikanyama, a well-known fruit sandwich shop, is happening again in 2023! Fans can find the Collaboration Gift Box for sale, including seven baked meringue goods each featuring one of the member’s colors. The box also comes with snapshots of the members, and for a few lucky fans, these snaps might be signed! The idol group and sandwich shop have also teamed up to create the Collaborative Lucky Grab Bag Lottery, including popular FRUITS ZIPPER goods and original items from Fruits Box Daikanyama. The lucky first-prize winner will receive a special set of all available February tour merchandise in all sizes.

    ◆Member Appearance Planned on Valentine’s Day

    On February 14, the final day of the pop-up shop, the members of FRUITS ZIPPER will make an appearance! Guests will be able to participate in the first-ever hands-on event with the members, so keep an eye out for more details!


    Stay up to date with the latest FRUITS ZIPPER news at the official Twitter page (@FRUITS_ZIPPER).


    FRUITS ZIPPER Pop-Up Shop Exclusive Goods

    Random Photo – Valentine pop-up ver. (21 varieties): ¥330 (Tax Included)

    Random Pin – Valentine pop-up ver. (7 varieties): ¥500 (Tax Included)

    Random Purikura Stickers – Valentine pop-up ver. (14 varieties): ¥600 (Tax Included)

  • Zipper Magazine’s 2022-2023 Winter Issue on Sale Now

    14.January.2023 | FASHION

    The Winter 2022-2023 issue of the revived fashion creator magazine Zipper went on sale on December 23.


    This issue focuses on this winter’s must-know trends and is packed with coordination tips, outfit plans through spring, snapshots, hair and makeup tips, and much more.


    Zipper ended its 24-year history in December 2017. In March 2022, ASOBISYSTEM teamed up with DONUTS Inc. to revive the magazine as a quarterly release. The fashion magazine, popular with Gen Z, is known for sharing details aspects of Harajuku culture and will continue to share more from the creative center of Tokyo for years to come.

    Standard Edition (Cover: Nagisa Saito)

    Another Edition (Cover: FRUITS ZIPPER)
  • Hirosaki and Hakodate to Begin Winter Tourism Campaign with Snow Miku Starting December 2022

    26.November.2022 | ANIME&GAME / SPOT

    The cities of Hirosaki and Hakodate in Hokkaido have announced that they will team up with Hatsune Miku’s popular iteration Snow Miku to promote tourism in the area this winter. A number of activities will begin in December 2022.


    [Snow Miku x Hirohako] Collaboration Project

    ■Hirohako Winter Tourism Campaign Poster Featuring Snow Miku

    ・Period: Mid-November~February 28, 2023

    ・Locations: Facilities in both cities, tourist facilities, hotels, shopping areas


    ■Snow Miku Illustration Contest Exhibition Event

    Over 50 illustrations have been submitted under the theme of Snow Miku and Hakodate / Snow Miku and Hirosaki. These will be on display through the winter!

    ・Running: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2022

    ・Venues: Hirosaki Municipal Tourist Center (Hirosaki)
                        Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse (Hakodate)


    ■Snow Miku Photo Spot

    Snow Miku panels featuring shamisen and apples from Hirosaki will be on display, while the Hakodate version will include references to squid fishing and footbaths. 

    ・On Display: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2022

    ・Locations: JR Hirosaki Station, Chuohirosaki Station (Hirosaki)
                            JR Hakodate Station, Hakodate Airport (Hakodate)

    ■Digital Stamp Rally Using the Mikunavi App

    A number of panels will be installed at five checkpoints in Hirosaki and Hakodate. A total of 1,000 people–500 in each city–will win original merch including a Snow Miku mask case and decorated masking tape. All you need to do is check in!

    ・Available: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2022

    ・Locations: (Hirosaki) Hirosaki Municipal Tourist Center, Hirosaki City Machinaka  Information Center,

                             Hirosaki Tourist Information Center, Hirosaki Castle Information Center, Tsugaru-han Neputa Village

          (Hakodate) Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse, Yunokawa Hot Spring Footbath, Goryōkaku Tower,

    Hakodate Green Plaza C Block (Hakodate Lumi-Pop), Old Public Hall of Hakodate Ward


    ■Hirohako Winter Tourism Campaign Theme Song and Music Video 

    The tourism theme song will get a new music video that will be broadcast on YouTube, at local tourist facilities, and on TV and radio!

    ・On Air: December 1, 2022~

    ・Theme Song: Mahou no Keshiki (Lyrics/Composition: ryuryu)


    ■Snow Miku Welcome Announcements to be Broadcast at Tourism Facilities, etc. 

    A one-minute welcome announcement by Snow Miku will air at tourist facilities!

    ・Running: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2022

    ・Locations: Tourist areas in both cities


    ■Snow Miku Filters Using AR

    When each barcode is scanned with a smartphone, Snow Miku will appear on the screen! Visitors can take pictures with Snow Miku to commemorate their winter trip to Hirosaki and Hakodate.

    ・Available: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2022

  • Popular EC Brand SHEIN Opens First Permanent Brick and Mortar Store in Harajuku

    02.November.2022 | FASHION / SPOT

    The global online fashion brand SHEIN has become wildly popular, shipping goods to over 150 countries. The world’s first permanent brick-and-mortar SHEIN store will open in Harajuku, Tokyo on November 13, 2022, displaying popular styles and items perfect for the Japanese market. All items on display will be available for purchase on the official SHEIN app simply by scanning the QR code on the tag. While items won’t be available to purchase in-store, the location will be a place where curious customers can try things on and explore new trends. The store has two floors and carries women’s and men’s wear, as well as kids’ wear, pet goods, and accessories. In addition to standard fitting rooms, there will also be a photo booth and SHEIN gacha machine!


    This summer, the brand held its first pop-up event in Japan, traveling to five cities over two days. In October 2022, the three-month-long SHEIN POPUP OSAKA event invited customers could try on clothes and discover new styles.


     “SHEIN TOKYO is planning to hold a number of events to make the SHEIN brand more familiar to new customers. Please visit us and enjoy perusing our reasonably priced but high-quality items,” an official comment reads. 

  • Popular Character Coji-Coji Inspires First Baby Brand COJI-COJI BABY

    18.October.2022 | ANIME&GAME / FASHION

    Momoko Sakura’s popular series Chibi Maruko-chan is filled with beloved characters, and Coji-Coji has remained a fan favorite for decades. Starting in October 2022, fans will be able to grab goods from the new COJI-COJI BABY brand. 

    The made-for-babies merchandise line will feature new artwork. The first theme is ‘outer space,’ and little ones will love the pastel colors and playful illustrations. A promo video has also been posted to the official Coji-Coji YouTube channel.



    “A snooze on the moon…

    From childhood to the faraway future, 

    Coji-Coji is always cozy-cozy.

    Such a valuable life.

    Grow together with your baby.

    Snuggle up with your family. 

    Be there to relax with those you love. 

    Spend irreplaceable time together.

    After all of these desires and thoughts came together,

    COJI-COJI BABY was born.”


    Product Release Information

    Sales of COJI-COJI BABY products began on October 12, 2022 on the official Eightex Japan online store.

    Coji-Coji Costume Romper: ¥9,900


    COJI-COJI BABY Fair Now Open!

    Starting on October 15, the COJI-COJI BABY Fair is being held at Kiddy Land Harajuku and Kiddy Land Osaka Umeda.


    During the event period, those who purchase over ¥4,000 (including tax) on COJI-COJI BABY products will receive an original mini shikishi. This is a perfect frame for your baby’s handprint or footprint!

  • Old-School Burger Shop Jennifer Seven Opens Location in Harajuku, Tokyo

    07.September.2022 | FOOD / SPOT

    LDFS Co. Ltd., which operates six cafes and brands in Tokyo, has opened a new location! The company currently operates THE GREAT BURGER, a gourmet burger shop in Harajuku, The Little BAKERY Tokyo, and GOOD TOWN DONUTS. Now, they’ve brought the old-school burger store Jennifer Seven to Harajuku!

    Jennifer Seven is a combination general store and burger store that sells apparel, kitchen items, and groceries. While it may seem like a general store with a coffee stand at first glance, the back door opens to reveal a secret burger shop! The innovative location will serve simple burgers, not the hearty and massive gourmet burgers available next door at THE GREAT BURGER.



    General stores are found in rural America and carry a wide range of daily necessities, much like a yorozu-ya in Japan. Jennifer Seven sells original apparel, sundries, and goods with a vintage flare, as well as tableware and other items from the U.S. In addition, guests can find unique food items like handmade jellies and jams, fresh fruits and local veggies, natural wines, small gifts, and plenty more.


    The drive-thru coffee stand attached to the store sells GOOD TOWN COFFEE, and Chinese-American steamed buns are also available at the Harajuku location!


    Each classic burger will come with simple and tasty ingredients, including the beef patty, ketchup, mustard, original burger sauce, pickles, and onions. The restaurant’s simple interior features white and vintage wood with blue-grayish green accents and was designed by the owner himself, inspired by diners and school cafeterias in rural America.


    Come enjoy a classic burger at this secret burger joint!


  • Hot Topic and Studio Ghibli Collab Project HARAJUKU COLLECTIVE Gets Pop-Up Store in Harajuku

    17.August.2022 | FASHION / MOVIE / SPOT

    HARAJUKU COLLECTION, a Studio Ghibli-inspired apparel collection by popular American counterculture chain Hot Topic, is offering licensed Ghibli goods for fans in the U.S. and Canada. The collection opened its online store for those in Japan on August 10, and a limited time pop-up store has been opened in Harajuku to celebrate the release of this incredible apparel!


    Japan Original Items


    American Original Items

    The store has a colorful exterior that shows Totoro and the Susuwatari playing together. Once inside, guests will be greeted by a massive rainbow Totoro! The shop blends the world of Ghibli with the style of Harajuku.


    “If there were colorful and kawaii mushrooms in Totoro’s forest, and if it rained acorns one day, maybe he’d need a mushroom umbrella!” This colorful Totoro was inspired by this adorable thought.


    The walls are decorated with artwork drawn by the creators of the original Japanese items, and guests are able to see and purchase the products in this special space. Why not visit?


    © 1988 Studio Ghibli
    © 1989 Eiko Kadono – Studio Ghibli – N
    © 1997 Studio Ghibli – ND
    © 2001 Studio Ghibli – NDDTM
    © 2004 Studio Ghibli – NDDMT

  • Official Chiikawa Shops in Harajuku and Osaka to Hold 1st Anniversary Fair

    01.August.2022 | FASHION / SPOT

    Last year, Chiikawa Land, the first official Chiikawa shop, opened at the Harajuku and Osaka Umeda branches of KIDDYLAND. Both locations will celebrate the 1st anniversary of the shop’s opening with a special fair on August 5, 2022.


    Chiikawa is a popular character first revealed by Japanese illustrator Nagano on Twitter. In December 2020, the official online store Chiikawa Market opened, and Nagano released a book compiling the manga panels they drew and posted on Twitter. The characters have become massively popular, with the artist’s social media accounts racking up over 1.1 million followers. From collaboration cafes and exhibitions to a recent anime series, the sky’s the limit for these adorable characters!


    Purchase Bonus

    「Holographic Sticker (Not for Sale) *Designs will differ between the Harajuku and Osaka Umeda locations.

    Holographic Pin (Not for Sale) / For guests spending ¥3,300 or more (including tax)

    Picnic Blanket (Not for Sale) / For guests spending ¥5,500 or more (including tax)

    Mug (Not for Sale) / For guests spending ¥8,800 or more (including tax)


    Limited Edition Chiikawa Land Harajuku x Marion Crepes Collab

    Limited Edition Chiikawa Land Harajuku x Marion Crepes Goods



    Chiikawa Land Osaka Umeda Limited Edition Goods

    Both the Harajuku and Osaka Chiikawa Land locations are visited by fans each day, and each store has developed unique products to celebrate the first anniversary.


    The Chiikawa Land Harajuku location will offer products in collaboration with Marion Crepes, while the Osaka Umeda location will sell limited edition products featuring the characters in cute traditional costumes. Special bonuses will also be handed out to guests spending particular amounts, so why not come out and grab some new goods?


    ©nagano / chiikawa committee

  • Manga Series ‘Eren the Southpaw’ Hijacks Reebok Harajuku and Shibuya Stores

    25.July.2022 | ANIME&GAME / FASHION / SPOT

    Reebok has appointed a number of popular artists in Japan and abroad to take part in their new campaign titled ‘Life is Not a Spectator Sport -Move, Move!-’ This collaboration started in March 2022.


    As a part of this collaboration, Reebok is teaming up with the manga series Eren the Southpaw. Kappa’s popular ensemble drama highlights a number of creators, and has a very poignant tagline: “To all those who couldn’t become geniuses.” Reebok’s brand message matches this and is meant to be a manifesto for life, telling people to never give up, act on their own convictions, and find their own path. 

    Reebok Classic Store – Harajuku Interior

    Stickers / Pins

    Original Scene from Eren the Southpaw 


    To commemorate the release of Reebok’s flagship model INSTAPUMP FURY 95 in Sax Blue, a huge piece of window art was redrawn by Kappi. The artist also provided an original manga featuring an entirely new story. Fans can find this at the Reebok Classic Store Harajuku and on the official Reebok Twitter page. The Reebok stores in Harajuku and Shibuya have also been completely taken over by Eren the Southpaw, completely decorated from top to bottom in images from the series. 

  • Private Jet Package Now Available in Toyama Offering Spectacular View of Tateyama Mountains

    22.June.2022 | SPOT

    Mizu to Takumi, a company associated with the Toyama West Tourism Promotion Association, has teamed up with SKYTREK to offer guests a once-in-a-lifetime chance to visit the area via private jet. Reservations for the incredible experience began on June 17, 2022.


    Offering an entirely new tourism experience in Toyama Prefecture, visitors can see the area’s natural wonders from miles above the Earth. The program also aims to share local culture and more about traditional craftsmanship and cuisine.

    Toyama Prefecture boasts dramatic topography, from the massive peaks of the Northern Alps and the Tateyama Mountains to the deep waters of Toyama Bay. To better allow visitors to see the sights, these private jet tours will be chartered on special courses different from standard airlines.


    After the flights, guests will be welcomed to explore Takaoka’s deep history and culture. Kane no Sanzun, a restored and preserved inn, will welcome visitors, offering a relaxing and rejuvenating time.

    Visitors can also book optional excursions to further explore the area, such as a Zen meditation experience at a famous temple in Takaoka, a traditional crafting workshop, and a tour and tasting of the only whiskey distillery in the Hokuriku region.

    Come enjoy a trip to Toyama with a whole new perspective!